蓄电池售后服务: 1. 对售出的电池我们建立《顾客档案》,实行跟踪服务。 2. 电池售出后,实行随时电话跟踪,并执行每年至少一次的巡检,并向顾客报告蓄电池使用情况,让顾客用的放心。 3. 发生顾客投诉时,一小时内提供解决方案。包括现场恢复方案及退货处理方案,直到顾客满意。宗旨是将客户的麻烦降到小。 4. 正常情况下,退回电池在到货两周内出具检测报告,确属我司原因我司承担责任;非我司电池原因,我们出具相应报告,对顾客的使用加以指导 质保规则: 质量保证期限:视使用方法及使用客户,质保期为三年。 使用说明:铅酸蓄电池长时间放置三个月要为电池补充电量,放置半年让电池充放一次,达到一个循环;使用过 程中,切忌把电放干再充电,对电池影响很大,要 随用随充电,充满为止,但也不要过充、过放电。 包装:为纸箱,根据运输距离可打扎带,可打木箱。 纸箱包装:1只/箱,采用物流长途运输或两箱打一个包 装,节约运输费用。 运输:样品可采用快递方式,批 量货,可采用物流或客车, 部分地区根据长期经销商情况可采用代收款的方 式或预付30%--70%定金,余款代收的方式。 验收:不管采用哪种方式运输货物,请客户和收货人一定在承运单位当事人在场时当场查验收货,查看外包 装,是否破损,变形,是否沾水,小件可拿起来晃动,听听内部是否有配件脱落,用手捏一捏内部是否有 碎屑或裂缝等,确保我们的货物和产品安全到达目的地。若遇到不可抗因素,我们三方可协调解决运输问 题 。 供方责任: 38AH(含38AH)以上蓄电池,质保期为三年,三年出现任何非人为质量问题,免费更换全新的同品牌同型号规格的蓄电池.非人为质量问题包括:运输过程中造成的电池破损、鼓包、漏液、电池电压范围异常、接线端子变形等. 客户责任: 1.客户可凭我公司的采购合同编号,并提供破损蓄电池详细照片,客服通过验证后立即向客户免费派发指 定型号的蓄电池. 2.客户在收到更换的全新蓄电池后,请立即将损坏的蓄电池发往供货公司. The SunXtender PVX-12150HT boasts industry leading life cycles providing safe, reliable and long lasting power. Recombinant gas SunXtender Deep Cycle AGM Series solar batteries are low resistance, valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries. Non-Spillable maintenance free construction allows battery to be used upright, on it's end or side. Features PolyGuard? Microporous Polyethylene Separators shielding the positive plates against shorting, shock or vibration. There is no exposed lead on SunXtender batteries and they are 100 percent recyclable making them environmentally friendly. Designed for photovoltaic applications for superior & reliable solar power. Low Self Discharge Rate Approximately 1 % per month at 25° C (77° F). Ships UL approved, HAZMAT Exempt, DOT HMR40 compliant and fully charged ready to install.Recombinant gas SunXtender Deep Cycle AGM Series solar batteries are low resistance, valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries. Non-Spillable maintenance free construction allows battery to be used upright, on it's end or side. Features PolyGuard? Microporous Polyethylene Separators shielding the positive plates against shorting, shock or vibration. There is no exposed lead on SunXtender batteries and they are 100 percent recyclable making them environmentally friendly. Designed for photovoltaic applications for superior & reliable solar power. Low Self Discharge Rate Approximately 1 % per month at 25° C (77° F).